Hottest response rate's - 05/21/2015

Email, phone, and direct mail continue to do the best job of capturing sales, according to the latest edition of the Direct Marketing Association's Response Rate Report.

The report is based on a survey of 485 marketers conducted in December 2014 and January 2015, and also shows that spending on online display ads, or banner ads, is falling dramatically.

"Email, while eliciting one of the lowest response rates among channels, continues to be the leader in ROI," Direct Marketing News reported.

"Campaigns conducted with house lists achieved an average of 30 to 32 percent ROI. Those done using prospect lists achieved 15 to 17 percent.

"Conversion rates among digital media types were best in emails sent to prospect lists (5 to 5.9 percent). Mobile came next with 5 percent."

Spending on online display advertising in the coming year will decline by a shocking 17 percent, the report states, noting that display came in last among digital devices for CTR, at between 1.1 and 1.5 percent.

Phone and direct mail still offer strong response rates. But marketers are hampered by "do not call" rules for telephone marketing. And direct mail is still powerful, but can be extremely costly and time consuming.

Nothing beats email marketing in terms of cost efficiency, responsiveness and the near immediacy of campaign results!

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