How to Use Advanced Search on Twitter for SEO - 05/14/2014

How to Use Advanced Search on Twitter for SEO

Step 1: Access the Advanced Search Page
This page is most easily accessed on the basic search page for Twitter. There will be a tab that will provide instant access to the Advanced Search page near the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Examine the Search Criteria
There are several different search fields that should be filled in in order for a company to correctly utilize the function and find exactly what it wants. The first set of criteria is word choice. There are several different choices in this category. They are:

The second search category is People. It is not as useful for SEO purposes, but contains the following fields:

The third search category is Places and has only one field, which is called Near This Place. If the place that is specified in the field is in a post, then the post will register.

The advanced search function also allows the user to specify if he or she wants happy emoticons, negative emoticons, question marks, or retweets included in the search criteria.

Step 3: Fill in the Criteria
Determine your key terms that you want to search for, such as the name of the product or service that is provided, or the type of problem that the product or service will be able to help with. If you are a plumber, then key terms would include, "plumber,” "plumbing,” "leak,” or "clog.” These are considered to be the core words. Then, the words that are used to gauge intent will be determined, such as "looking,” "need,” "help,” "trouble,” and "tips.” These will allow a company to find people who are actually having trouble at the moment and need help.

Step 4: Analyze the Searches
Once the results have come, the results need to be analyzed and then contacted. If a person tweets that he or she has a clogged drain, then a company can reply with a tweet that has all of the necessary contact information for the company and information about the services that are provided. This will cause the company to register with the person who needs help, making him or her more likely to make the call.

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